Google Hummingbird is a brand new algorithm in its search engine. It provides faster query results by focusing on the reason behind every query rather than the keyword. The meaning of the whole question is more important as opposed to the earlier single word search. The search results will be related to the whole question rather than the key words searchers are looking for.
Unlike Panda and Penguin updates, Hummingbird is not just an update but a complete new replacement. It is the first time Google has completely rewritten its algorithm.

google humming bird is the new algo updated affecting all searches – source
According to author of Google Semantic Search and an expert on search engine David Amerland
· Google has improved its ability to deal with complicated search queries.
· Secondly it has got much better at linking documents and search queries relationally
It is becoming more and more important to identify the actual intent behind a query for the SEO to remain successful. It is therefore necessary to identify the USP of any business and provide answers related to it.
Google has realized that search engines should be more about actual customer needs and less about keywords. So via Hummingbird it is looking for the purpose behind the query and offering a solution. This smarter algorithm compared to Penguin or Panda answers questions and filters answers and gives comparison data at a glance.
Hummingbird anticipates what information you will need. It simplifies complex search retrievals and improves data available via knowledge graph. This keeps users on their search page longer thus exposing them longer to sponsored ads. This improves ad sales and revenue for Google as well. It fulfills the dual purpose of increasing time on site and revenue by optimizing algorithm for artificial intelligence, semantic analysis and underlying understanding of language. It is focused on Natural Language Processing and better understands concepts versus words, relationships versus concepts.
But SEO specialists will have to watch, when it comes to local searches mobile devices, how successful Google will be. The primary goal is now to weed out useless irrelevant data from the search engine results page (SERP) and present only pages related to the core of the question asked. Business will have to get used to semantic search and knowledge graph. Hummingbird will have to position itself to be the correct source of answers users are seeking. It will have to identify intent, need and problems and then provide the answers and solutions.
Google will have to redefine their mobile search results page. According to them “It is cleaner, simpler, optimized for touch with results clustered on cards so you can focus on the answers you are looking for”. There has been a massive shift towards mobile search. The algorithm has to evolve to understand the longer more complex queries people ask on their mobiles.
Hummingbird therefore is looking at the meaning behind the entire query placed before the search engine. It has shifted the focus from individual keywords to the core meaning of the question asked by the user which will prove a challenge to any SEO agency not prepared for the change.
Hummingbird focuses on data retrieval, artificial intelligence and how data is accessed and presented to users to make his search a happier experience and this should be taken into account by all companies promoting a website.