The world of digital commerce opens up the possibilities for international trade, no matter how big or small your business. However, some people fail to see the benefits of translating into certain languages: take German, for instance, a language often overlooked when it comes to expanding a business’s boundaries. German is a language that is surprisingly widely spoken and, as one of the dominant countries in Europe, Germany remains a very lucrative market for many commercial entities.

German language translation and seo in London – source
Why German?
The success of any e-commerce business depends upon the audience it reaches; consider that Germany has some 68 million internet users and it is easy to see why failing to translate a site into German can be a major mistake. That is a huge potential market which must include some customers for just about any area of commerce. By giving those German users a site in their own language you are improving your chances of gaining their custom considerably; indeed, research shows that people are five times more likely to purchase your product or service if the website is in their own language, a fact that simply cannot be overlooked.
European Market
As we have already mentioned, Germany is one of the major economic forces in the European Union, and in Europe itself. Such a powerful country gives you the chance to find a market that has yet to be exploited, and with 120million German speakers across the world there is clearly scope for expansion. A forward thinking and developed country with a strong internet presence and a growing e-commerce infrastructure, missing out on the rapidly expanding German market may be a mistake you regret.
In conclusion, Germany is an important market with a vast number of internet users, some of whom will certainly be interested in the product or service you offer. By giving them a website dedicated to their language you not only make it easier for them to understand what it is you have to offer, but you vastly increase your potential sales as they will be impressed by the fact you chose to build a German language site.
Language Media LTD London the German Language Experts.
Whether you need a simple translation, a whole new website or you need German language content for your products such as blog posts or copy writing Language Media LTD is here to help. We are the leading language experts when it comes to SEO, copy writing and web marketing. We can produce quickly and efficiently German language content for you.