Seo prices

Our charges for SEO services are as follows:

Initial detailed consultation free

Creation of high quality non technical articles for your blog (500 words) £40~50

Creation of high quality technical articles for your blog (500 words) £60~70 includes optimisation of meta tags, title, pictures tags and  upload to your site.

Obtaining links from highly relevant websites from £40~150 per year

Blogger outreach from £30~£100 (finding fees) plus the web master fees

Keyword research and web site analysis £100 (English)

Keyword research and web site analysis £150 (Foreign languages)

Adword campaign setup £100 with keyword research, negative keyword and optimisation (up to 30 keywords)

Google local business and google+ page set up with optimisation £100 per business.

Seo jobs priced per hour £40

Translation £0.08 per word (Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese)

Translation £0.10 per word (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic)