As the 21st century rolls on the prospect for growing a business online expands. All businesses should have an online presence, no matter how big or small, but how do you go about attracting international customers as well as those in the domestic market? The trick is to offer your website in languages other than English, but which language do you begin with? There is little doubt that you should certainly consider Spanish; it’s language that is spoken not just in Spain, but in practically the whole of South America, hence its importance in online trade.

Spanish language experts in London – source
Why Translate your site into Spanish?
Capturing foreign trade is not just about offering your goods or services in other countries, but also about convincing the foreign markets you actually care about them. For example, it is known that anyone reading a website in their own language is five times more likely to buy the product or service than if they were reading in English. Reassuring people that you have gone to the trouble to give them the information in the easiest to read form is something that they will notice and respond to. Hence, to attract Spanish speakers, a website in Spanish is a necessity.
Beyond Spain
In addition to the internet-using population of Spain – itself an important market in Europe – one has to consider the sheer number of people across the world who speak Spanish as a first language. As already mentioned, this encompasses most countries in South America. When the numbers are crunched, the fact is that more than 500million people across the world are Spanish speaking: no business can afford not to offer appeal to such a vast number of potential customers.
With a potential reach covering not just Spain but the likes of Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and many more – 21 countries to be exact – it is clearly a major bonus to offer a Spanish language website. The growth of a business depends upon people reading the information that is offered to them in the first place, and by taking the time and courtesy to translate into Spanish you are increasing your potential marketplace by no small amount.
Language Media LTD London are the Spanish Language experts.
When it comes to Spanish language translations, SEO, copy writing and blogging we are the leading experts. Language Media LTD specialise in search engine optimisation for website written in Spanish. We can help your company to gain ranking and new traffic if you are targeting Spanish speakers in Spain or Latin America. We can also help to translate existing pages from English into Spanish, or create new content for blogs.